Clinical Rotation in Israel registration form:
The Hungarian universities allow Israeli medical students to experience clinical work in their home country during the program. The faculties in the universities require students to undergo clinical rotations during the summer (July-August) and throughout the 5th or 6th year, depending on the university.
The following form collects data to map students' requirements and deliver the information to Israeli hospitals.
Important to note befor your proceed:
Filling out this form does not guarantee placement in the relevant hospital.
It is strongly suggested to directly request placement at the hospital as well.
The form serves as a tool for University International Studies to collect information and deliver it to the Israeli hospitals for further processing.
The information provided in the form will be delivered to third parties, such as hospitals in Israel.
Some Israeli hospitals may not be accredited by certain Hungarian universities
Israeli Hospitals require from the student medical report and vacination card Download here Health ministry medical check up and vacination requirements.
Israeli hospitals may require weekly payments for teaching rotations.